Amateur Radio Club of Alameda

How to Get HOA Approval for Antennas

How to Get HOA Approval for Antennas

Recently, ARCA members discussed antennas that meet HOA requirements. My HOA, Columbia, does allow HAM antennas under a set of rules shared by many Bay Farm associations. In particular, two restrictions are key to satisfying these rules:

1. Height (for aesthetics) - the antenna must not be higher than 12 feet from the point of attachment.

2. Length (for neighbor safety) - the length of the mast plus the antenna from the point of attachment should not be greater than the distance to the property line.

I recently received approval for a VHF-UHF antenna and a (shortened) 20-40 MHz dipole by designing an installation meeting these concerns.

You can look over my submission to the Architectural Committee (click here) to get a better idea of my approach and how I documented it. It discusses Columbia's areas of concern and shows how my antennas address them.

Posted by Jim, KJ6UHT on Monday, 09 March 2020

Meet The 2022 Officers

President: Ron Fitch WQ6X

Treasurer: Dan Adair, KG6YZF

Secretary: Donna Fong KM6QEK