Amateur Radio Club of Alameda

Add New Repeater Channels at Shop Night!

Add New Repeater Channels at Shop Night!

This Monday I will run the new portable repeater from the Fire Department Training Center at Alameda Point from 7 to 9 pm. You can hit the repeater by using the "ROMEO3" frequency at 441.875 +, PL 88.5. If you need ROMEO3 added to your HT, come by and I will help you update your radio. I have cables and software for the commonest Baofeng and Yaesu units as well as for some ICOMs and the Wouxun KG-UV3D. If you have a different radio, bring your own cable, and I will try, best effort, to program it.

You can download the channel list (here) or the data file (here). You can also find sample instructions for using Chirp to program the Yaesu FT-60R (here).

When: Mon, March 5, 7 pm

Where: AFD Training Center,

431 Stardust Pl, Alameda Point

Posted by Jim, KJ6UHT on Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Meet The 2022 Officers

President: Ron Fitch WQ6X

Treasurer: Dan Adair, KG6YZF

Secretary: Donna Fong KM6QEK